Catalogue for the auction of
Cricket, Football, Golf & Sporting Memorabilia

To be held on Friday, Saturday & Sunday
21st, 22nd & 23rd March 2025

Cricket wines. A selection of eleven unopened bottles of wine, port and champagne. Includes nine Australian wines, Wyndham Estate ‘Benson & Hedges Bicentennial Test’ Bin 555 (red) and Bin 777 (rose) 1985. Rosemount ‘M.C.C. Shiraz’ 1990 (Qty 2). Jim Barry ‘Cover Drive’ Cabernet Sauvignon 2005. Tyrell’s Cricketer’s Selection’ Shiraz Cabernet and Chardonnay, both undated. James S. White ‘Testimonial Port’, Emu Cricket Club, undated. Mann ‘Methode Champenoise’ 1993 with inscription ‘From Mann to Mann’. Also a South Africa Boplas Estate Wine Port 1993 with label signed by Fanie de Villiers, and a French P. Desroches & Cie Brut Champagne with annotated label, ‘Not to be opened until I play for South Africa’ with unknown signature. Very good condition (contents untested).

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