Catalogue for the auction of
Cricket, Football, Golf & Sporting Memorabilia

To be held on Friday, Saturday & Sunday
21st, 22nd & 23rd March 2025

John Barlett ‘compressed’ cricket bat 1892. Stamps for ‘Bartlett, Waterloo Road (the makers address)’ to the bat. Silver coat of arms shield to back engraved ‘Thornton C.C. won by Spencer Lambert for best batting. Average Season 1892. The back of the bat is almost flat as the front, but rises slowly to a low rounded ridge. The handle is formed from nine slips of cane. Little is known of John Bartlett’s bat making business except that he began working in Lambeth in about 1850 and he relied upon the neighbouring Kennington Oval for some of his business. In 1888, he boasted that the visiting Australians used his bats against Surrey at The Oval. Sold with the late vendors research notes giving further information on the bat. Good condition

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