Catalogue for the auction of
Cricket, Football, Golf & Sporting Memorabilia
To be held on Friday, Saturday & Sunday
21st, 22nd & 23rd March 2025
Lot 474
Estimate: £50/80
Scorecard selection 1919-1958. Six original scorecards for the period, the majority with complete printed and/ or handwritten scores. Matches are Surrey v Essex, Kennington Oval 24th & 26th May 1919, Eton v Harrow, Lord’s 12th & 13th July 1929, Gentlemen v Players, Lord’s 13th- 16th July 1927, Sussex v Hampshire, Horsham 11th- 14th June 1939 (Hampshire won by one wicket), South v North, Torquay 4th- 7th September 1954, Rottingdean v M.C.C. Rottingdean Bi-Centenary match at Rottingdean 9th August 1958. Odd minor faults, otherwise in good condition.