Catalogue for the auction of
Cricket, Football, Golf & Sporting Memorabilia

To be held on Friday, Saturday & Sunday
21st, 22nd & 23rd March 2025

Australian Imperial Forces XI 1941. Rare official double-sided wartime scorecard for the Gezira Sporting Club v Australian I.F. XI played at Gezira Sporting Club (Cairo, Egypt), 10th- 11th October 1941. One side shows the first innings with complete printed scores for Gezira (124), printed and handwritten scores for Australian I.F. (337). The verso with handwritten scores for the Gezira second innings (132). Australian I.F. won by an innings and 81 runs. The teams featured Freddie Brown (Captain), Bill Bowes and Sandy Baxter for Gezira, and Australian Test cricketers Lindsay Hassett (Captain), Alec Hurwood, Ray Robinson etc. Heavy horizontal fold, some age toning and creasing, otherwise in good condition.

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